KidZArt loveme Go2OutBOX

Project leader Stichting KidZArt Foundation, Dianne Riley CEO


I’ve always loved the intersection of art and science human behavore in it's psycologie. While I had no idea what ‘'poeple empowerment’ was in high school, I've learn and grow knowled in human care. I was passionate about statistics, physics, psygologie, history, art, and writing. I do think that on the subject domestic and vilence it self is on a deeper context appeals to people when it comes to take responsebilety of own action that implamet the way of thinking rather react not by action. The opscale wonders of overcoming batels of  focus on the wat can I apply to make a good poseble solution towards positieve thinking senarios. who are both creative and analytical. If you find the convergence of these activities rewarding then you will likely enjoy the challenges and day-to-day work that comes with humanity behaver.

I’ve always been innately observant. Even as a young girl, I noticed people’s changes in behavior, subtle conversational cues, and I would ask a lot of questions about why something was a certain way, more important how I could HELP bring Fun with love and care. If you are a self professed “people watcher” "pachamama" and observer of nuanced behavior, enjoying the subtleties more than the grand gestures, you may also have been laying the foundation for a career in user experience research long before you were thinking about job applications.

I am a qualified empowering coach specializing in mindset, wellbeing and personal development.

I help people move through limiting beliefs, rebuild confidence so that they feel empowered to go after their goals and achieve them.
Using proven tools and techniques from various fields of psychology I teach you how to harness the power within to turnaround negative situations with #LoveMe and live the life you want.
Whilst I have formal qualifications in child psychology, and postgrad study'n in coaching psychology and neuropsychology plus my 5 children motherhood expierince  it is my life experience that has made me who I am today.
I have had my fair share of challenges, trauma overcomes and setbacks. As a single mum of 35 have known hardship and struggle, I have been at rock bottom more than once and survived to tell the tale. Enjoyed #LoveMequatityTime, nature in it's own perfections and the flavours of healty foods, that in sesions am happy to share.
I decided that I wanted to more than to just survive – I wanted to aboundancely thrive, in that way prosperingin all life expierences. Taking care of your mind garden, plant seeds to grow aboundancly flourishing. 
After gaining my Child Psychology. I work as Manager of afterschool childcare . Last 6months then studied developmental psychology and therapeutic practice in coaching and positive psychology. Alongside my studies I worked  therapeutically with children and young adults with social, emotional and mental health needs in educational, healthcare and local authority settings. I successfully introduced coaching to groups of people with transformational results and this fuelled my passion and desire to help more people, whatever age or background in gaining mastery over their lives.

I fully believe that humanity has the ability to achieve whatever they desire in life, but our mind-set and limiting beliefs can be the greatest barrier to many people achieving the life they want.

Stress, low mood, anxiety and societal pressures can lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem and these have a huge impact on us reaching our potential.

There for switch to #LoveMeAltruismKindnessAttitudeBehavior
Because, the chance to help others boost their confidence and build up their ability to mend past setbacks, beleaves. If it can inspire ME it can inspire you and others to take a leap of faith and move out of the past and live in NOW!
With my signature mindest mastery tools I can help you overcome limiting beliefs, remove blocks and empower you to live life on your own drearms. When alive are awakening parts of our heart that hurt and feeling wounds that cut deep. Instead of sulking and internalizing the drama, you can use it to express yourself through art. Using hurt, pain, and trauma as a creative source can take your artistry to new heights. You can plumb the depths of your subconsciousness to enrich and expand your heart. #ECOfinerecycleart by #KidZArt


  • Fucus on image of achievement, gain control power of immetry.

Mental bleuprint is in the presenttens concios consntrate in thinked thoughts of NOW as your goals growing. 

  • A boost in emotions & drive. The grit driven strong abilletey to succeed becoms the flame energy. Beleaving in your goal priserverens donot slow down when facing obstacles, failers, fear nor desapiontments. There is when you never give up, keep on doing the needed effort.
  • Ackwolegdment that patienceis combined with new behavior is the essentail master key of eternal progress in your learning. Minds areeffected by pictures, visuals, hearings, interaction with humanty in its earth envirement expieriences.
  • #loveme love is inside out actions of the retun in

    Our mission is to bring poeple together. Our services
     We help & serve, we bring fUn!

Stichting KidZArt Foundation is super transparent and very happy to share. I give #LoveMeAltruismBehaviorAttitude classes in Dutch, English, Spanish and Papiamento. For prived sesions I charge €45 - €195 for my 90 min clarity, we could meet face to face or have a zoom meating & 4 session (I love to match the income)
Groeps €195 - €595 monthly coaching. 1 day Negborhood event €300 - €500 and €1195 of 12 Day program #LoveMeAltruismBehaviorAttitude (1 or 2 a week, spreath in 3mnds period) groeps are 8 á 10 poeple)  negborhood and or co-workers

All my prices on my website as I believe it qualifies potential clients before booking a discovery call. I realise a lot disagree but it works for me. Hope this will sevre you. Big part of all proffits goś back into nieuw projects at Stichting KidZArt Foundation.
ABBI RAGGI takes on Bully Smiley, Author: Hedley G. Riley, born and reace from Aruba. His also a Architecteur, Entrepreneur, Theacher and Inventor. This uniqeu EDUCATIVE THEATER AND READING BOOK SERIES is merly one product of a total concept containing several products for children, families and friends. The suspected location of this myserious island and its only little town, FUNVILLE.....
My father Hedley.G.Riley wrote this children book in de preface of the desease Sarciodose, This book is for children from 3 to 14 years. Children up to 7 years MUST be guided by thier parents, tutors and/or educators.

Stichting Foundation
Hyper focus potentiële doelgroepen;
Samenwonend, alleenstaande vrouwen, moeders, ook mogelijk na een  intregatie traject, statushouders die ver van de aarbeidsmarkt zijn dat nu langdurig in de ziektewet bevinden, tijdens vlughtelingen trajact en of  entrepreneurs die geïntresseerd zijn hun horizon zelfliefde te willen uitbreiden door het leven in de heden een positieve vibe boost te omhelsen! Het is hoog noodzakkelijk in onze belange om de mensheid, vrouwen en mannen in de maatschappij die uit een zinloosgeweld achtergrond helaas moesten doorstaan, ook hen die zelfvezekerder willen zijn en een bewustwording in het cognitieve gedachten van hun eigen kostbare unieke individu. Hun acties uitoefenen uit liefdes intenties, in dit zal de liefde vermenigvuldigen. Is zeker stimuleerd voor vrouwen & moeders die een boost willen ervaren of doordat ze #LoveMeAltruismBehaviorAttitude cursus&workshop geven ze handvaten hoe het anders kan! Zou dan in parrelel het zelfde willen realiseren voor mannen & vaders willen aanbieden. 
Zodat we samen ondersteunen onze kinderen voor in de toekomst met veel meer liefde opgroeien, door deze implementatie zal een versnelde groei toename ontstaan om een empatieser samenleving uitstraling hebben op aarde. #14allall41 #allesiseen #onelove #greatfullyblessed  #LoveMeAltruismBehaviorAttitude
I am a #proudmami of 5.
Mentor coach rolmodel zijn en combineren met mijn passie om een EXTRA bijdrage aan hun creatieve evenals emotionele #LoveME ontwikkeling zijn is voor mij geschreven. Ervaring met samenwerkende partners zijn met Internationale Netwerk organisaties.
Heb een prachtige people empowerment project geschreven. We zijn laagdrempelig hebben samenwerkingsverbanden met Oumi Sweets, Gemeente Amsterdam, Eigenwijks, Jantje beton, Maxima Founds, Amsterdamempower, ADHDcentrale, Familie Suporter, Samen Doen, Dress4Succes, Unstoppebels
#KidZArtLoveMeGo2OutBOX  denkt grootschallig, mundial, Stichting KidZArt Foundation werkt met doorzettingsvermogen aan een positieve Wereld, voor de mensheid een impact te maken, naar de goede richting. We KicK starten het platform zo divers multicultureel mogelijk.

10 April 2022 gaan we de Officieële Awards #LoveMeAltruismKindnessAttitudeBehavior 2022 een enaguratie plaats 3 positief gepastioneerd gedreven aan de bak in Amsterdam en 5 Oorkondes door Wethouder Fena

* wethouder Marionel

1)Ze leren alles te maken met zelf liefde, nog meer van jezelf, houden van binnen uit naar buiten toe. 2)"We are wat we think" Ze leren een positieve instelling door de keuze te maken om positief te denken.
3)Ze leren de voordelen hoe ze dankbaar hoort zijn kunnen omarmen.  Als een zaad in hun eigentuin hebben geplant verzorgd en te zien krijgen dat ze aan het bloeien zijn zodat er geoost kan worden. Ook hoe ze de elegante zelfverzekerde vrouw in hunzelf tevreden presenteren.
4)Ze krijgen hierdoor een flinke dosis zelfvertrouwen om gelukkiger liefdevoller in het leven te staan. Zien duidelijker voor zich wat ze eigenlijk écht willen en hierdoor is actie geen reactie.

Hoop dat jij en of jullie voor mij even tijd hebben, om dat ik ben gestarten in Amsterdam, omstreken NL, Aruba en Nederlandse Antillen, Marocco, Brazil, Venezeula, Colombia, Belgie, Afrika, Mexico, Sieria, Oekraine, Zwitserland, Engeland, Spanje, Frankrijk, Londen, Noord Amerika.....

'Wie niet kan delenkan ook niet vermenigvuldigen. ' - Entrepreneur Marcel Boekhoorn 

"Wie niet kan delen, kan niet vermenigvuldigen”
- By Marja Ruigrok

Ik ben entausiast geworden toen ik op een dag tijdens mijn zoektocht naar mijn toekomst baan. Wil foundsen werven, lerende om de kwaliteit van de geweldloze gezinnen in onze samenleving combimatie voor een vebetering in de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het social maatschappelijke levenbestaan.

Duurzaam fondsen weven voor ecologische
Projecten dat gewicht gaat geven in een positieve verhouding in gezegende levens.

Positieve instelling is bepaald en de keuze dat we maken in pefspectief ruim binnen en buiten je eigen kaders, daarvoor is dat we willen meegeven voor de optimalisering  eigen kracht om de beste uit jezelf voor de ander en een bijdrage dan terug the act out of love intentions

How to Stay Organized Within a Busy Lifestyle #loveme

Organized people don't inherently get that quality, instead, they must cultivate habits that will help them plan ahead and stay organized. So, even though you consider yourself to be an unorganized individual, you may adapt to be an organized individual.

If you've ever kept someone waiting because you couldn't fail to keep track of time or if you're routinely late for appointments or miss crucial deadlines, becoming organized must be at the top of your priority list. It is, in fact, extremely important to be punctual in today’s competitive environment...

Organized people don’t inherently get that quality, instead, they must cultivate habits that will help them plan ahead and stay organized. So, even though you consider yourself to be an unorganized individual, you may adapt to be an organized individual.

If you’ve ever kept someone waiting because you couldn’t fail to keep track of time or if you’re routinely late for appointments or miss crucial deadlines, becoming organized must be at the top of your priority list. It is, in fact, extremely important to be punctual in today’s competitive environment.

If you’re searching for some direction, here are some advantages of being organized, as well as advice on how and what to arrange to get the most out throughout your day.

• Increased Productivity

You will save time by not looking for stuff and will have more time to focus on important activities if you stay organized. You will be more productive by planning ahead of time. 

When you plan, you will be ready for the tasks of the day, show up on time for events, and meet deadlines. Furthermore, by keeping your calendar organized, you will be able to make better use of your time, accomplish your most important tasks first, and optimize your productivity.

• Reduced Stress

Good organization skills will help you in all aspects of your life. It instils confidence in people. A well-organized person conveys a sense of dependability and stability. This allows them to remain calm and composed in any circumstances. Good organizing abilities lead to reduced stress.

A well-organized household creates a more nurturing environment, as opposed to a cluttered home where you are constantly searching for items or walking around piles of stuff.

• Professional Growth

When you perfect your organizational skills, your professional life can soar because companies view you as a more valuable asset. You are seen as someone who is competent in handling responsibility and capable of completing tasks on schedule.

As a result, your peers can depend on you, which increases your value and typically leads toward more important roles.

5 Essential Tips to Organize Your Life:

• Write Things Down – Create a to-do list!

When huge tasks may seem overwhelming, it makes it difficult to accomplish them. At a point, your pile of tasks look so dreadful, you might not even know where to begin.

However, smaller tasks are easier to do. Dividing a major project into smaller portions is one of the greatest strategies to handle this challenge.

And this is when a to-do list comes in handy! It enables you to handle extensive and daunting jobs by taking baby steps.

You can make to-do lists for almost everything now, just using your smartphone. While ticking off each task performed feels quite satisfying, it can indeed be a confidence boost to know you are getting things done.

For example, Apple Notes and Google Keep are excellent for making lists!

• Have A Routine – Habits. Don’t Procrastinate!

When you’re thinking about all the stuff you have to get done, there’s a risk you’ll end up stacking them instead of doing them one after the other. That’s how most folks waste their working time.

However, this does not have to be the case for you. Simply realize the importance of each work and activity at hand, make clear objectives, and, most importantly, make small progress throughout the day.

This way, you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself to fit everything in one day. It is critical to have a steady pattern for your daily life so that you do not get caught up in the turmoil of attempting to finish them all at once.

In most cases the longer you put off doing things, the more challenging it gets. It has an added element of anxiety and pressure.  To have less stress, you should try finishing your tasks as soon as possible.

• Put in the Effort

It is easy to get caught up with other things in our busy schedules and forget about keeping everything in order. Of course, we should not be too obsessed over being organized, however, sometimes we have to consciously make the effort to turn it into a habit.

Set aside time each week to clean and organize your belongings. Organized people make it a point to arrange their stuff regularly. One great tip is to organize things according to different categories, which makes them easier to find. 

Things don’t get sorted out unless you make an effort to do so; they need to be restructured on a regular and consistent basis.

Also keep a track of things, the ones you use the most and ones that you don’t need. If something has run out of its life cycle, don’t hoard it. Let it go unless it has some significance to you. Living in a cluttered space can make you feel stressed and unmotivated.

For example, you can start packing your bag ahead of time before going to college.  Put all you need into your bag once you’ve done all your assignments. This will ensure that you do not neglect anything.

• Get Enough Sleep!

We often overlook the importance of a good night’s sleep. However, not getting enough sleep can affect both your physical and mental health significantly.

In fact, nowadays there is a trend of pulling all-nighters to meet a deadline, to brag about who worked the hardest. However, if you are not getting enough sleep, you will soon lose “you”.

There is nothing fun about feeling tired constantly while sipping espresso throughout the day.  Therefore, make sure you are getting enough sleep. You will prevent feeling tired and ineffective the next day if you get enough sleep.

• Find What Works The Best For You

Start Small! It is a well-known fact that everything won’t work for everyone. Try out different things to find out what helps you the most. For instance, you can start by downloading a digital organizer app for convenience. There are hundreds of free ones out there!

And if you’re old school and love to express your creative side, why don’t you try bullet journaling? These will help you manage your time more effectively while building sustainable organizing habits.

Wrapping Up bennefits

Being organized is a habit that everyone should develop. If you’re always busy, trying to stay ahead of everything, you will tire yourself out, and slow things down. So, try out our tips and stay on the top of your game by being organized!

Day 1)Today's Statement of Intent:
I am a powerful creator and I choose to see everything through the eyes of source and experience my reality as an empowered creator.

Your Daily Reminder:
A reality without contrast is a reality that would serve no purpose as there would be no opportunity for growth or expansion. Everything in our experience is co-created with unconditionally loving, infinitely intelligent source - everything in physical reality serves a greater purpose.

Your Daily Exercise:
Everything that happens in reality is happening for us. Today practice taking a vacation from pushing against contrast or needing things to change or match an ideal. See how much you can simply allow your reality to be just the way it is - and still choose to feel good.

Morning Share:
Post to your social media with hashtag #Loveme
What are you the most greatfull about yourself?

Seems Respect was at when it's need to fill when thiere sould be love, the empthy place where love sould be, love was always the answer

Choose happiness you'll be trurly happy
Each breath of gratitude increase abundance #loveme
You are indescribable.

We love placing ourselves in boxes with neat, shiny labels. We think these labels make it easier to explain who we are to the world. “Hi, my name is X, and I’m a doctor / mother / creative / student / teacher.”


Yes, there’s value in all these roles we gracefully take on. The problem occurs when we allow them to determine our self-worth. What you need to realize is that you are not your job. At your core, who you really are–– your energy, values, thoughts, love, power, influence, talents–– is worth so much more than a few words I could ever convey.


You are indescribable. You are infinite. You are you. A forever work in progress, a perfectly imperfect human, a miraculous soul worthy of all good, loving, beautiful things. Never forget this.

Continue your journey to #loveme self-discovery with #KidZArt that gives you your very own personalized workshop

I am not my job

I am not my situation

I am not anything but ME

A soul worthy of love

A soul worthy of peace

A soul worthy of all good things


May these words be heard #loveme

Gezonde vriendelijke groet,

Dianne Riley♡
Direct Mannager Pojectleder Creative Producer
Stichting KidZArt Foundation
#loveme #ouderenempowerment #womenempowerment

We are not taught from a young age how to work with our intuition alongside our reading and arithmetic lessons. Yet, we all possess a connection with our intuition, whether we know it or not.

Have you ever gotten a “gut feeling” about a certain situation, or understood something without anyone having to explain it to you? That feeling in your stomach, that inexplicable knowledge, is your intuition speaking to you – sending you messages from your infinite well of internal wisdom.

And when you’ve learned to listen to that internal wisdom, you can use it to guide you toward abundance, miracles, and more!


We serve, we bring FUN

Strategie wealthy thoughts
Are you feeling the growing pressure on a day-to-day basis with new variants and more uncertainty in travel, business and working from home? 

2021 has been a roller-coaster, and most people still think that we are nowhere towards the end.

What will 2022 bring?

Certainly, we're seeing more uncertainty, especially with the onset of newer variants just when we thought we could "adjust" to the new normal.

What will the future look like?

Is this going to be the new normal?

Or will we see an end to this?

How will businesses navigate through this crisis?

How will we as individuals deal with personal crisis?

Is this the right time to invest in properties?

Should you start a business?

It's time to seek clarity and enter the New Year with a clear plan of action.

It's time to ensure you're taking CONTROL and becoming the Master of Your Wealth #LoveMe

Copyrights by Levie Company. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

Gezzelig as zaterdag samen naar een vrouwenontbijt9:15 -11:30  dan lijkt mij super daarna naar de demostratie te gaanop de Dam van Amisty International 12:30


Seek NOW
Empowerment 2022 free gift #LoveMeAttitudeBehavor
@ lounge Lil' Crazy Café
13:15 - 15:15

14ALL - ALL41

#LOVEMEATTITUDEBEHAVOR = NON-judmental becuase it's

5maart 2022

Foundation KidZArt loveme Go2OutBoX Award Oorenkonde
#LoveMeautrïsumkindness2022 aan Riské de Cock van de Weggeefwinkel Slotermeer Nieuw Life West #gratis7items

*PoP ART Galerie
Open dagelijks 12:00-19:00
Amstel passage (ingang bij de trams tegenover Lil' Crazy Café)

Project leader KidZArt,
Dianne Riley
We serve, we bring FuN.
We serve & research consious thoughts attitude behavior in its decolonisation culture transformation increasing our  humanity kindness  1-4ALL&ALL4-1 
Algemene voorwaarden

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© Copyright Stichting KidZArt Foundation | www.kidZArtgo2OutBOX.COM| Alle rechten voorbehouden

De inkomsten, verdiensten en beweringen die hier worden uiteengezet zijn afhankelijk van je eigen inzet, motivatie, leervermogen en kwaliteiten. Ik geef geen garantie dat iedereen succesvol zal zijn of winstgevende resultaten zal behalen. Al mijn #Loveme programma’s en producten zijn erop gericht om jou te helpen om een succesvol bewust wording in het denkwijze van #lovemeattitudebehavor vaardig  te worden. Maar je blijft altijd zelf verantwoordelijk voor je eigen transformatie en succes. Samen reiken we je handvaten aan om het beste uit jezelf te halen.

Als je vragen hebt, beantwoorden wij ze graag. Stuur je e-mail naar

• Master your inner strength and confidence to take on any challenge that stands in the way of reaching your peak potential.

• Let go of the fears, doubts, barriers, and obstacles holding you back even if you've tried everything before!

• Finally exhale on traumas or negative events you experienced in the past – forgive your parents, family, and friends with this powerful life-changing exercise.

• Explore your personal relationship with money wealth and discover how it’s shaping your financial success (no amount of sincere hard work will fully pay off until you do this).

• Experience your life 10 years from now – crystal clear, vivid and compelling. After this powerful breakthrough exercise, you’ll have a newfound clarity for how you will live from this day forward.

• And much much more...

Seek your CHANCE  of a free gift,
the time is NoW

Hopefully, we’ll see you in the members' area :).

Whether you enroll in the #LoveMekindnessattitudebehavior 1 4 ALL = ALL 4 1  Life Achievers course today or not, I want you to know something...

I’m in your corner and I believe in you Keep going strong, you've got this!

As always,
#LoveMe Follow your heart and take action!
- Dianne Riley

P.S. If you've join up, but budget was an issue, now you seek you free gift in the NOW